A little about Me

~ A Little About Me ~

First of all....I want to Thank You very much for dropping by......I sure do LOVE Company.....
Dang....where do I start....ummmmmmmm....well I guess I should show ya'll what I look like.....

Of course you can tell....I am a FORD Man...and proud of it... hahaha!!!
I am a family man...my wife Rosina and I have been married for many years...all wonderful..loving years..and she is not only my wife..but she is my best and dearest friend. We are true soulmates and have 3 wonderful children...(all grown now) but we love them with all our hearts. The oldest is Billy, then Nancy-Jean and Stanley being the youngest. We are very fortunate that all our children live close by. To our kids.....We Love Each of you and are very Proud of you!!

This is a pic of my wife Rosina...(well Medi..her nickname)....to most everyone.. Thanks Medi for your love and support and for always BEING THERE for me. I LOVE YOU BABY!!

I am now retired....enjoying my puter..my boat...all the fun things in life. Of course you already know I have a great love for TRAINS....WOW...they inspire me...I collect all kinds of train paraphernalia.. So if you are a Train Hobbiest...I would love to hear from you. I have oodles of videos...a huge collection of train related items..Ya never know...maybe we can share our stories..swap videos...Hey...I am always open for ideas.

I have lived in several states, worked offshore, drove an oil tanker, you name it....there was nothing I wouldn't try....and even though I did work long hours...away from home for long periods of time, I made a good living..and can look back now...and honestly say..."I wouldn't change a thing...I love my life and everyone in it".

My motto is....THINK POSITIVE..BE POSITIVE...and ALL GREAT THINGS WILL COME YOUR WAY!! I truly do believe that one act of kindness a day, reaps kindness in return by the ten folds. Take the time today....smile at a stranger....give to the needy...do something genuinely kind...from YOUR heart... I guarantee the personal gratitude you will feel will make your DAY a Beautiful Day!!!

I hope to soon add some pics of my children, and my brothers and sister.

Like a little HUMOR????

Train Failure

A large two engined train was crossing America. After they had gone some distance one of the engines broke down. "No problem," the engineer thought, and carried on at half power.
Farther on down the line, the other engine broke down, and the train came to a standstill.
The engineer decided he should inform the passengers about why the train had stopped, and made the following announcement:
"Ladies and gentlemen, I have some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that both engines have failed, and we will be stuck here for some time. The good news is that you decided to take the train and not fly."

Thanks once again for DROPPING BY...and
Ya'll come back now...Ya Hear!!!!